Thursday, 23 February 2012

Wokingham Half Marathon

Sunday the 19th February saw hundreds of runners limbered up, donning trainers, gloves and scarves ready to take on the Wokingham Half Marathon.

Wokingham Half Marathon

Competitors of all ages and varied abilities ran the 13.1 mile course crossing the finish line at Cantley Park.

Congratulations to the race winner Phil Wicks from Surrey, who beat his time from last year and finished in a course record time of 1 hour 3 mins 14 sec.

David Cliff, water provider to the Wokingham Half Marathon, used their Expandasign Premium Gazebo as a shelter to hand out water to the tired and thirsty runners coming over the finish line.  They even managed to encourage several of their team to run, so well done to all of them too!

David Cliff Team
Remember that whatever your event it’ll always look better branded with Expandasign products.  Wherever your event we have the product solution to suit you.  From the old faithful teardrop banners to pop ups, gazebos and the all NEW Ex Ups.

Who knows you may see an Expandasign UK Team race next year...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

RugbyRocks with Expandasign UK in 2012

We are delighted to announce that Expandasign will be supporting RugbyRocks this summer, supplying all of the branding and signage for the three RugbyRocks festivals!

Expandasign UK's Carl Cox, had the following to say about working with RugbyRocks:

"We are a company that likes to participate in many sports (watching is participating, yes?) Expandasign have a long tradition of supporting Sporting Events across the Globe. Expandasign also has a long tradition in Music and Experiential Events around the world too.

When the opportunity presented itself to support all of these, in the form of Rugby Rocks 2012, then that was a no-brainer. So, Expandasign UK will be supplying a range of products to help show off Rugby Rocks 2012 in the really professional way it deserves and, reflects its own ethos."

As a branding solution provider servicing clients globally and locally, Expandasign supplies, on a continual basis, 68 of the worlds top 100 Brands*. They also supply and support an awful lot of other Brands that want to get into that top 100 too.

RugbyRocks and Expandasign are looking forward to working together in the near future, expect RugbyRocks to be bannertastic this summer!!

For more information on how Expandasign UK can help you too...
Call us on 01189 760 445 or email